Planting of honey plants and celebrating World Bee Day


Despite the fact that bees play a very important role in human nutrition and pointing out the problem of bee deaths, which is often caused by the human factor, UZOR, in cooperation with the Embassy of Slovenia, marked the Day of Planting Honey Plants and World Bee Day.

In addition, World Bee Day was celebrated in the House of Honey in Danilovgrad. The commemoration of this day was attended by Radule Miljanić, President of the Association of Beekeeping Organizations of  Montenegro, H.J. E. Gregor Presker, Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia in Montenegro and Mr. Miroslav Cimbaljević, Director General of the Directorate for Agriculture in the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management in their addresses to the guests emphasized the importance of bees in the entire ecosystem.

In the spirit of this important date, linden seedlings, an important honey-bearing plant, were planted in the courtyard of the House of Honey.

Primary school students who performed an interesting cultural and artistic program also contributed to marking this important date, while at the educational workshop they showed their creativity through art works on the theme of bees and honey.

World Bee Day is celebrated for the fifth year in a row, and the goal of the event is to make the public aware of the importance of bees as one of the important pollinators in providing food, as an important segment of sustainable agriculture and biodiversity, and which make a significant contribution to mitigating climate change and to protect the environment.