With the support of the EU, the Trabojin-Grzoj path was fully equipped and a guide was created


In earlier activities, UZOR, NGO Alb Progress, TO Tuzi and the Trabojin Local Government implemented the initial activities for the Trabojin-Grzoj path.

As part of the project “Partnership for the local community – strengthening the contribution of civil society to the development of local policies and practices in the field of ecology and sustainable development”, the trail was marked and signalized, as well as the installation of rest benches and trash cans.


This activity was done in cooperation with the local self-government, which provided human resources for cleaning and preparing the track before the start of marking and signaling. In this regard, two meetings were held with representatives of the municipality and local CSOs, and the implementation of activities related to marking and signaling was agreed with them. After preparing the track, a team was hired that was in charge of marking and signaling.

In cooperation with the business community and local residents, material was provided for the installation of benches and trash cans, as well as the removal of benches and bins, given that it is a trail whose difference between the starting point and the end point is over 500 meters. In this connection, the local population brought out benches and buckets with their horses and donkeys.

In addition to the above, a Trail Guide was prepared for the needs of guiding individuals and groups on a tour of the hiking trail, based on the basic techniques of leading groups.

In the following period, the local guide will be additionally promoted by TO Tuzi and the Municipality of Tuzi and will serve all visitors to the trail and the local population even after the completion of the project.

The trilingual brochure was published as part of the project “Partnership for the local community – strengthening the contribution of civil society to the development of local policies and practices in the field of ecology and sustainable development” implemented by UZOR, in cooperation with the ALB PROGRESS organization, and supported through the program “CSOs in Montenegro – from basic services to policy formulation – M’BASE” implemented by the Center for Civic Education (CGO), the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), the Center for the Protection and Study of Birds of Montenegro (CZIP) and the Politikon network. The project is financed by the European Union and co-financed by the Ministry of Public Administration.