Published trilingual brochure for the municipality of Tuzi


In cooperation with the representatives of the Tuzi municipality, UZOR and ALB Progress prepared a trilingual brochure with the aim of presenting the cultural heritage of the municipality, the flora and fauna of this region, as well as a map of this territory.

The trilingual brochure is published in Montenegrin, English and Albanian and can be used by domestic and foreign tourists, as well as locals.

It was promoted as part of the ECO festival and the focus was on the presentation of local specificities, history, traditions, the most important items related to flora and fauna, maps of the territory with contacts of guides and competent services, etc.

You can download the brochure below.

Fifty copies of the produced brochure were distributed at the ECO festival, while a part was kept by the TO of the municipality of Tuzi.

The trilingual brochure was published as part of the project “Partnership for the local community – strengthening the contribution of civil society to the development of local policies and practices in the field of ecology and sustainable development” implemented by UZOR, in cooperation with the ALB PROGRESS organization, and supported through the program “CSOs in Montenegro – from basic services to policy formulation – M’BASE” implemented by the Center for Civic Education (CGO), the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), the Center for the Protection and Study of Birds of Montenegro (CZIP) and the Politikon network. The project is financed by the European Union and co-financed by the Ministry of Public Administration.