A clear political will is necessary for the European path, not platforms and agreements


Bearing in mind the inaugural speech of the President of Montenegro regarding his role as a cohesive factor, such a platform is to some extent expected, but the political moment is more than indicative for proposing such a platform.

There is almost no parliamentary party that can challenge the content of this platform, but the issue of agreement and signing it depends solely on their attitude towards its proponent and the current political moment. In this sense, a couple of political subjects have already criticized the platform because of its proponent and the real goal of this platform, so I doubt that everyone will support it. In any case, even if everyone agrees with this platform, it will not affect the process of European integration. Simply, without a clear and unequivocal political will to implement reforms and meet temporary benchmarks, there is no progress on this path, and that will is not ensured by platforms and agreements for sure.

Therefore, with this platform, the aim is at least to really start the process of European integration from a standstill, and most of all to highlight Milatović as the bearer of the process and additionally position himself as the leader of a new generation of politicians.