The elementary conditions for the continuation of Montenegro’s European path have been met


On the occasion of the 100 days of work of the 44th Government of Montenegro headed by Milojko Spajić, it can be said that it achieved success by taking very deliberate steps with almost all parliamentary subjects and that the focus was on achieving all the expected results in anticipation of the Intergovernmental Conference in Brussels. with a special focus on reform processes for which there was no political will years ago. In the context of the last report of the European Commission, the most work was done on unblocking the political system and establishing an effective political dialogue and constructive engagement of political parties with the aim of appointments to the judiciary.

Namely, although it was the task of the Parliament of Montenegro, the key appointments in the judiciary were finally resolved thanks to the negotiations of the Prime Minister with the representatives of the parliamentary majority, as well as the opposition, especially during the election of the VDT, which had the support of 61 deputies, and thus managed to fulfill elementary conditions for the continuation of the European path of Montenegro. Also, the political will to work on a comprehensive electoral reform was expressed. The fact that the prime minister managed to negotiate the preparation and implementation of the census in a very good way and to achieve the absolute consent of all relevant subjects at the last moment should not be ignored.


On the other hand, there are not a few things that are worrying at the moment. When it comes to public administration reform, it can be concluded from the previous actions that the new government deals with it exclusively declaratively and there are no expectations that it will be high on the agenda of the new government in the essential sense. The security sector is one of the most worrying issues considering that every day it is more and more obvious that this sector is the dividing line between the Democrats and the PES, as the main constituents of the new government, and that for a long period of time we have been witnessing different announcements and statements that are in complete disagreement . The question is how long this disagreement will last and how it will end. Also, this issue and certain procedures are not only a problem between these two parties, but also a point of contention between the Minister of Justice and the Prime Minister, that is, two high-ranking officials of the same party, at least apparently. It is important to note that this period was also marked by hasty steps related to the proposal of a legal text on electronic communications that is not in accordance with the recommendations of the European Commission and the accelerated appointment of a new representative of Montenegro before the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg without waiting for the verdict of the Constitutional Court. In the end, what has marked the government’s work in the last hundred days very negatively is the failure to find a compromise with the representatives of almost all representative unions in the country and the fact that very soon we will have certain strikes by employees in education, health, public administration and justice.